What Naturally Slim People Do Over The Holidays

Enjoy the holidays and maintain your weight by doing what naturally slim people do.

Do you inevitably gain weight over the holidays? Are you concerned that the same will happen this year? What do naturally slim people do over the holidays? Maybe you too could enjoy the holidays, including the food, and not gain weight. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Here’s the difference between what naturally thin people do over the holidays, verses what people who struggle with weight do. The overweight person keeps telling themselves not to eat the problem foods. But those foods keep calling them. Then they eat them, feel bad, guilty, unsuccessful (I’ve blown it again!), and discouraged. So they figure they might as well keep eating all the bad stuff and just try again next week.

Naturally thin people also sometimes eat foods that aren’t so great for the body, for weight maintenance, or for health. However, once they eat the food they respond differently than the overweight person. They naturally make up for it the next day by: skipping a meal because they are still full, eat lighter the next day, eat more fruits and veggies the next day for their cleansing value, work out more, or engage in some other balancing strategy. Their attitude about what they did is a little lighter, so they’re not fighting themselves about it or condemning themselves. This way they can let it go and move on.

What has also helped some of my weight loss clients is planning in a treat. Rather than telling themselves they’ll skip the birthday cake, the Thanksgiving carbs, the Christmas cookies, the luscious brownies, they plan in a treat. They are giving themselves full permission to have it, and also have the mindset that it’s a once-in-awhile treat. That way it’s easier for them to get back on track, and still feel satisfied that they had that food or foods that are talking to them.

If your present strategy hasn’t worked, why not give this a try? Pretend that you’re a naturally slim person and do what they would do. I like to remember the old saying, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got.”

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