Weight Loss Happens With Good Fats

Eating healthy fats help us with weight loss.

Eating low or no fat foods is often the norm for someone aiming at weight loss. But fat actually helps us lose weight. We  need good quality fats in our diet for health and satiety.  Here’s why.

When you don’t eat enough fat, you never feel full. That leads to looking around for more food, snacking, grazing – all the things we are trying to avoid if we want to eat healthy and have a naturally slim body.

It’s easy to eat twice as much if the food is low-fat or no-fat. You figure you’re not eating much and what you’re eating doesn’t count, so you keep on going! In addition, low-fat foods are often loaded with sugars.

We need fat to heat the body, for energy, to help the body absorb certain vitamins, aid metabolism, and maintain cellular structural integrity. So please make sure you have enough fat in your diet.

But all fats are not created equal. Bad fats aid in weight gain and can be injurious to the heart. The fats in snack foods, processed foods, and fast foods have poor quality fats. Sorry, donuts, chips, cookies, fries, etc. that you buy out will not provide you with the fats your body wants.

Good fats aid in weight loss/maintenance and in healthy heart functioning. They include coconut oil, olive oil and sesame oil, nuts and seeds (best eaten soaked and slow roasted), and avocado.

Consider experimenting and seeing which fats, in what amounts work best for you. You might need different amounts of fats at different times of the day, and different times of year. Because it will soon start to get cold outside, now might be a good time to add more fat to your diet to keep you warm.

Click here your free phone consult on pointers on how to add healthy fats to your individual diet.

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