A Cheap Time-Saving Kitchen Tool

A garlic peeler is a cheap time-saving kitchen tool.

Here’s a cheap time-saving kitchen tool for garlic lovers! If you love garlic, you probably bemoan the time it takes to peel and chop garlic. This is especially true with a bulb of very small garlic cloves.

Wouldn’t it be nice to do it faster, and even have a supply on hand? I use this handy tool to peel a bunch of garlic at one time, store it in a jar, and have it for several days. All you have to do it cut off the ends for each clove, put a clove at a time in this garlic peeler, roll over it a few times with the palm of your hand — and voila, the garlic comes out peeled.

Or, you may like to do like my friend does and take it one step further. She puts a bunch of peeled garlic in the food processor, and chops it to fine, then puts it in a jar to store for the week.

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