Do you find yourself paying attention when you eat? Or, is your mind on something else? Is a box of cookies or a bag of chips gone before you even realize what you did? Do you wonder where all the food on your plate went to in such a short time? If so, here’s a script to tap on.
If sugar is your downfall, beware of all the holiday temptations! According to Mark Hyman, M.D., sugar paints a gloomy picture for health and weight control. Here’s what he had to say (in Natural Awakenings, August 2014)…
Do you like to fade into the background? Does ‘notice me’ make you feel really self-conscious? Maybe you panic or get anxious if the spotlight is on you? They are somehow giving off the signal, “Don’t notice me.
If this applies to you, it could be the reason you keep on those extra pounds. Read more
If you just can’t control sugar cravings and feel like you don’t have any will power, check out this experiment. You will realize that you are caught in an addictive cycle, fueled by the food industry’s desire to get more market share at the expense of your health and well-being.
Aside from wanting to look your best and enjoy living in a slim body, there are other reasons for losing those unwanted pounds. There are several health risks that correlate with being overweight or obese.
Can life really exist without fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, or salty, crunchy, spicy chips? Is emotional eating part of your routine? Can you imagine finding pleasure in life without food? Having pleasure without guilt? If your answer to one or more of these questions is ‘No’, then most likely you eat when you’re not hungry, and then feel guilty later. The more you eat, the worse you feel about yourself, and the worse you feel about yourself, the more you eat.
Is there a way out of this vicious cycle? Read more
Most people who gain weight don’t overeat at meals. Rather, they snack between meals, and often at night. That’s when the workday is done and it’s time to relax. You can now reward yourself for a hard day of work. Sound familiar?
Stop evening snacking in its tracks by creating a fasting zone. Read more
Do you eat large amounts of food when you’re not even hungry and then feel fat? Or maybe you eat just a little bit of extra food every day that you really don’t need, or even want? If so, you may be unconsciously driven by a need to protect yourself.
Do you engage in nervous eating without even realizing it? Do you see food in front of you and eat it without even thinking? And then regret it later! If so, here’s a tapping script that can help you pay more attention to when you engage in nervous eating.