
Salad making is easy with a good spinner.

For quick and easy salad making, I found this kitchen tool to be very useful. Salad greens should be nice and crisp, so a good salad spinner is essential. Read more

Summer veggie cooking is fun and tasty.

With all the produce in season, it’s fun and easy to do summer veggie cooking. Veggies are especially tasty when you grow your own, or buy them at a farmer’s market / produce stand. Read more

Rice and beans are a great source of vegetarian protein.

Why Eat Vegetarian Protein?

You don’t need to be vegetarian to be healthy, but eating a lot of vegetarian protein helps because then your diet is primarily plant-based. You also add a lot of fiber to your diet, which helps with regulating blood sugar levels, improves elimination, and adds many vitamins and minerals to your daily diet. Read more

Cooked kale is a wonderful nutriefnt-dense addition to your diet.

Many people know that this leafy green is healthy, but they just don’t know how to cook kale. Or they try to cook it and are not happy with the outcome. Read more

A garlic peeler is a cheap time-saving kitchen tool.

Here’s a cheap time-saving kitchen tool for garlic lovers! If you love garlic, you probably bemoan the time it takes to peel and chop garlic. This is especially true with a bulb of very small garlic cloves.

Wouldn’t it be nice to do it faster, and even have a supply on hand? Read more

There are many quick and easy ways to cook winter squashes.

What a wonderful time of year with so much fresh produce. I always feel so uplifted and abundant when I go to the farmer’s market! It’s a great time to put up food for the winter, when we inevitably have to shop for produce that comes from a long distance.

One food item I always put up in my garage is lots of squash – butternut, buttercup, acorn, spaghetti. Read more

This kitchen cooker called an Instant Pot has saved me tons of time in the kitchen.

This kitchen cooker has saved us time, money, and energy. It started in December, 2018 when this gift arrived. I never thought it would mean so much to my husband and me. Read more