
Weight loss happens when these snacks lose appeal.

8 Weight Loss Tips for chronic snackers helps people who gain weight from snack grazing. Do you eat what’s out and available? Are you addicted to the 4 C’s: candy, cookies, cake, and ice cream? Or maybe salty snacks are your downfall? Because these foods are so addicting, once you start it’s hard to stop. If you tell yourself you won’t eat these foods anymore, then you end up having a war going on inside yourself. And the sugar/salt usually wins the battle and weight loss is the loser.

If this applies to you, here are some things you can do…

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You can knock out emotional eating in three easy steps.

Can life really exist without fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, or salty, crunchy, spicy chips? Is emotional eating part of your routine? Can you imagine finding pleasure in life without food? Having pleasure without guilt? If your answer to one or more of these questions is ‘No’, then most likely you eat when you’re not hungry, and then feel guilty later. The more you eat, the worse you feel about yourself, and the worse you feel about yourself, the more you eat.

Is there a way out of this vicious cycle? Read more

Stop evening snacking with a fasting zone.

Most people who gain weight don’t overeat at meals. Rather, they snack between meals, and often at night. That’s when the workday is done and it’s time to relax. You can now reward yourself for a hard day of work. Sound familiar?

Stop evening snacking in its tracks by creating a fasting zone. Read more