Are you aware of how many calories you take in a day from sugar? Most people don’t realize all the foods and drinks, obvious and hidden, that contain added sugars. According to a 15-year study reported in JAMA Internal Medicine, the average American gets 10% of their calories from added sugars. But one in ten people get at least 25% of their calories from added sugar. Read more
If sugar is your downfall, beware of all the holiday temptations! According to Mark Hyman, M.D., sugar paints a gloomy picture for health and weight control. Here’s what he had to say (in Natural Awakenings, August 2014)…
If you just can’t control sugar cravings and feel like you don’t have any will power, check out this experiment. You will realize that you are caught in an addictive cycle, fueled by the food industry’s desire to get more market share at the expense of your health and well-being.