
6 Ways To Stay Energetic By The End Of The Workday.

If you finish your workday and are very tired, here are some ways to stay energetic by the end of the day. Read more

Good gut health aids weight loss.

The gut is sometimes called the second brain, and good gut health makes a huge difference in how we feel and function. Having a healthy gut ecology is of major importance for overall health, and especially for good mental functioning. Read more

Learn to enjoy food by being present when you eat.

If you eat but don’t really enjoy food, then you’re missing out! I know people who say they love food, but don’t want to take time out to eat and enjoy what they’re eating. They think it’s a waste of time, so instead they read, check emails, watch TV, drive somewhere, etc. while they’re eating. Read more

5 Ways To Find Your Best Diet

What’s the best diet for you? There are so many diets out there. How do you know which foods are best for you. Following a few simple guidelines will take you far along the way to figuring it out. Read more

Mint has many benefits, including weight loss.

Mint is a wonderful addition to our diet, especially in the hot weather, when it grows profusely. Here are eight ways it benefits our health. Read more

Health benefits of fruits include being a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

There are many benefits of  fruits, one of nature’s most wonderful sources of natural sugars. Read more

Fruit is healthier than fruit juice.

Many people think that fruit juice is healthy, but studies have shown that eating fresh fruit is healthier than drinking fruit juice, even if it is freshly squeezed. Why is this so?

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Here are 13 ways to boost your energy.

You might not have anything particularly wrong health-wise, but you just don’t feel well. Your energy is low and you’re not very enthused about what you have planned for the day. Maybe you feel the need for a ‘quick energy fix’ from caffeine and/or sugar (which ultimately depletes your energy even more). You wish you had more umph to exercise and get down on the floor with your children or grandchildren.

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Sugar intake affects diabetes.

Most of us eat some sugar, but how much can we take a day without it becoming a problem?

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