Entries by mwleasy


Habit Change With Baby Steps

Habit change can be frustrating, especially around weight loss. When we’ve done the same thing over and over it forms a strong mental and behavioral groove that can be hard to break out of. The more we do it, the more engrained it gets. So, how can we take this deep groove and turn it […]


Fear of No Food?

Do you have a fear of no food? Are you afraid to skip a meal or snack? If so, this is very common. Many people think they will get too hungry, but often the roots of this fear are emotional. Why might you fear going a little while without food? There are different reasons. Here […]

5 Steps To Easier Weight Loss

Have your New Year’s promises to yourself gone awry, preventing easier weight loss? Wondering why? This often happens because people overpromise on their goals. These big resolves are not realistic, so they’re bound to lead to disappointment and failure.


All About Apples

Remember the old expression, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” There’s a lot of truth to this when you look at the health benefits of apples. Benefits of Apples According to the Cleveland Heart Clinic  apples stabilize blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and helps reduce inflammation. They are high in […]


How To Cook Winter Squash

It’s fall and winter squashes are abundant everywhere – at the Farmer’s Markets, grocery stores, health food stores, and outdoor produce stands. They are tasty, filling, nutritious, and easy to prepare. Here are some of the more prominent winer squashes that I get regularly, and some ideas for how to prepare them. In addition to […]


6 Steps to Manifest Your Dreams

We all have hopes and dreams that may or may not manifest in life. Some people seem to have great success in getting their dreams to come true, while for others dreams remain dreams. What’s the difference between one person and the next, and how can you make your dreams come true? First of all, […]


Eat Your Greens!

If you’re like my husband and me, you just can’t live without eating leafy greens. But if you’re not like this, please read on to see why they are so important to us. A good portion of our veggie garden is taken up with leafy greens. The picture in this blog is from our garden. […]