How To Cook Winter Squash

It’s fall and winter squashes are abundant everywhere – at the Farmer’s Markets, grocery stores, health food stores, and outdoor produce stands. They are tasty, filling, nutritious, and easy to prepare.

Here are some of the more prominent winer squashes that I get regularly, and some ideas for how to prepare them. In addition to the ideas below, you can bake any of the winter squashes whole and then use the squash for whatever dish you are making. Or, bake and cut up and eat as is. Pieces can be seasoned with a little salt and cinnamon, drizzled with melted butter and a sprinkle of coconut sugar, or anything else that appeals to you. Bake the squash whole at 425 degrees in a lightly oiled pan or on a cookie/pizza sheet. Bake 1-1 ½ hours or until tender when a knife is inserted. Read more

Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 Produce

Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out two produce lists – The Dirty Dozen and The Clean 15. The Dirty Dozen is a list of produce to only eat organic because they are so laden with chemical pesticides. The Clean 15 is a list of foods to eat more safely in convention form, because testing on them has shown that they have little or no chemical pesticide residues in them when tested.

The Dirty Dozen

This list includes: strawberries, spinach, kale/collard/mustard greens, peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, hot and bell peppers, cherries, blueberries, green beans (new to the list).

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Tips on When To Eat

Did you ever pay attention to ‘when to eat’? To be healthy and at the right weight, we often focus on ‘what to eat’. But timing is everything!

In Ayurveda (the ancient Indian science of longevity), eating is key to good health. And one aspect of healthy eating is the time of day when we eat. There are a couple of considerations here.

Eating With The Sun

The sun is at its zenith in the middle of the day, around noon. This is also when our digestive fire is strongest. There’s a reason this area is called solar plexus. When our digestive fire is at its strongest, we digest food the best, and assimilate the nutrients more effectively. Read more

Organization and Time Management Help You Lose Weight!

If you have organization and time management in good working order, your task with weight loss is easier! Read more

Jicama is a great crunchy addition to a salad.

It’s easy to make a nice salad in the summer, when tomatoes, cucumbers, and other tasty foods abound. But winter salads can be just as good when you use a little ingenuity. Read more

With a little planning, you can manage healthy restaurant eating.

Some people do well with good eating at home, but blow it when they eat out. If you are nodding your head as you read this, here are some things you can do to enhance healthy restaurant eating. Read more

Summer veggie cooking is fun and tasty.

With all the produce in season, it’s fun and easy to do summer veggie cooking. Veggies are especially tasty when you grow your own, or buy them at a farmer’s market / produce stand. Read more

Rice and beans are a great source of vegetarian protein.

Why Eat Vegetarian Protein?

You don’t need to be vegetarian to be healthy, but eating a lot of vegetarian protein helps because then your diet is primarily plant-based. You also add a lot of fiber to your diet, which helps with regulating blood sugar levels, improves elimination, and adds many vitamins and minerals to your daily diet. Read more

Plant-based proteins give us the protein we need plus more nutrients.

Some of the best protein sources are from plant-based proteins. They are in great abundance in nature and add benefits to our health in many ways. Read more

There are ways you can eat healthy even with a busy schedule.

There are ways to eat healthy even with a busy schedule. This means eating the healthiest you can at any given time / in any given circumstance. It may mean that you’re not eating the ‘ideal diet’, but you are eating a lot healthier than you might if you relied on high fat and high sugar fast foods. Read more