
Habit Change With Baby Steps

Habit change can be frustrating, especially around weight loss. When we’ve done the same thing over and over it forms a strong mental and behavioral groove that can be hard to break out of. The more we do it, the more engrained it gets. So, how can we take this deep groove and turn it around?

We formed the groove by doing the same thing over and over. Therefore we can start a new habit and form a new groove. By doing this new behavior over and over, it gets more and more entrenched in the mind.  We start by doing it once. The next day we repeat this small step. Every day we repeat Eventually we can do it without thinking about it. Read more

Why habits are hard to change.

Habits are hard to change. . That’s because under the surface there are lots of dynamics going on that we’re unaware of. It’s like seeing the tip of the iceberg but having no awareness of what’s going on underwater.

This challenge is true of habits that keep us from losing weight/eating healthier as well as all kinds of other habits. So as you read it, keep in mind that you can apply it to anything in your life.

Here are some reasons why old habits present such a challenge. What’s one  reason that applies to you? Read more