Why habits are hard to change.

Habits are hard to change. . That’s because under the surface there are lots of dynamics going on that we’re unaware of. It’s like seeing the tip of the iceberg but having no awareness of what’s going on underwater.

This challenge is true of habits that keep us from losing weight/eating healthier as well as all kinds of other habits. So as you read it, keep in mind that you can apply it to anything in your life.

Here are some reasons why old habits present such a challenge. What’s one  reason that applies to you? Read more

Weight Loss Sabotage

People often sabotage themselves when they start to lose weight, and then the weight comes back. Does this describe you? If so, you probably feel frustrated and discouraged, and wonder if it’s even possible for you to lose weight and keep it off.

Rather than focus on the failure to lose weight and keep it off, let’s focus on the reasons why you self-sabotage Here are some of the common ones. Read more

The Power of Relationships in Weight Loss

Are relationships an important part of your life? If so, then you probably give much importance to family and friends, the comfort of being with loved ones, the energy you get from being with others, the sense of community you feel with people you care about, and the gap that is left when you feel isolated from others (i.e. Covid).

If this is true for you, it might also impact your ability/inability to lose weight.

The Downside of Relationship Needs

While love and connection have many positives for your life, the area of weight loss and healthy eating may not be one of them. When with family and friends, people often eat way differently than when home in one’s usual routine. It’s a signal for party time – eating all the fun foods you have in common which easily put on the pounds. It is also often a signal for more than usual drinking. Read more

Being heavy pays off.

If you keep trying to lose weight and failing, that’s because being heavy has payoffs. On the surface, this seems totally illogical. Of course you want to lose weight. It would be great.

But under the surface, there are hidden factors that come into play. Your unconscious reasons for wanting to keep on that extra weight come with benefits. At this level, your desire to keep on the extra pounds outweighs your desire to lose them. Read more

Holiday weight gain doesn't have to happen!

Do you experience holiday weight gain? Do the holidays throw you way off with your eating habits? If so, here’s a script to tap on. Let’s make this year different!! You’d be surprised how easy it can be. Read more

Weight loss is possible over the holidays with EFT Tapping.

Do you inevitably gain weight over the holidays? Does weight loss seem totally impossible then? Are you concerned that the same will happen this year?

Maybe you could enjoy the holidays, including the food, and not gain weight. Wouldn’t that be nice?

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You will lose weight more easily if you eat at the optimal hunger level.

Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Or perhaps you do the opposite — you eat everything in sight because you are way too hungry? Either one can pose a problem for health and weight loss. Here’s what you do…

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Sugar is addictive and acts like a drug.

If you just can’t control sugar cravings and feel like you don’t have any will power, check out this experiment. You will realize that  you are caught in an addictive cycle, fueled by the food industry’s desire to get more market share at the expense of your health and well-being.

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Nervous eating is helped with EFT Tapping.

Do you engage in nervous eating without even realizing it? Do you see food in front of you and eat it without even thinking? And then regret it later! If so, here’s a tapping script that can help you pay more attention to when you engage in nervous eating.

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Emotional eating triggers can be managed with these three easy interventions.

Do certain things totally set you off to eating exactly the way you don’t want to? What are your emotional eating  triggers that send you out of control, even with the best of intentions? Knowing what these triggers are can help you be prepared and forewarned! It may include anything from the following list, or there may be others you can think of…

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