
How To Cook Winter Squash

It’s fall and winter squashes are abundant everywhere – at the Farmer’s Markets, grocery stores, health food stores, and outdoor produce stands. They are tasty, filling, nutritious, and easy to prepare.

Here are some of the more prominent winer squashes that I get regularly, and some ideas for how to prepare them. In addition to the ideas below, you can bake any of the winter squashes whole and then use the squash for whatever dish you are making. Or, bake and cut up and eat as is. Pieces can be seasoned with a little salt and cinnamon, drizzled with melted butter and a sprinkle of coconut sugar, or anything else that appeals to you. Bake the squash whole at 425 degrees in a lightly oiled pan or on a cookie/pizza sheet. Bake 1-1 ½ hours or until tender when a knife is inserted. Read more