
Trying something new can help you get out of the weight loss rutyou're stuck in.

Imagine doing something differently than you usually do and getting the results you want! You can get out of the weight loss rut! I often refer back to the saying, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” What an incentive to try something else if you’re not happy with your present situation!

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Here's what to do if 'notice me' sets you into a panic.

Do you like to fade into the background? Does ‘notice me’ make you feel really self-conscious? Maybe you panic or get anxious if the spotlight is on you? They are somehow giving off the signal, “Don’t notice me.

If this applies to you, it could be the reason you keep on those extra pounds. Read more

Nervous eating is helped with EFT Tapping.

Do you engage in nervous eating without even realizing it? Do you see food in front of you and eat it without even thinking? And then regret it later! If so, here’s a tapping script that can help you pay more attention to when you engage in nervous eating.

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