3 Quick Ways To Get Calm

If you experience stress and anxiety, here are some fast ways to get calm. You can use them any time during the day. The more you use them, the more relaxed and centered you will feel. Read more

You can lose weight with yoga over time.

Sometimes people expect to lose weight  with yoga. As a yoga teacher for almost 40 years, I have not found quick weight loss to be the case. There are rare exceptions where people start yoga and lose weight without any other intervention. But usually change takes time. When the full spectrum of yoga practices is combined with  methods of working with food, then deep change can take place. Weight loss is the outcome of these other changes. Read more

Meditation can help with weight loss over time.

Can meditation help with weight loss? It can, but indirectly. It is not a quick fix. Meditation is the slow, but powerful, process of transforming your mind and emotions to achieve higher states of consciousness. Read more

Develop mindfulness for better eating habits.

Be Present for Five Minutes A Day

If you want to develop mindfulness to how you eat, what you eat, and when/  where you eat – but don’t know how – here’s a good place to start. Read more

Breathing for weight loss works because of the mindfulness involved.

Breathing for weight loss is so effective because mindfulness is necessary to lose weight. The more attention you pay to your body, breath, thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories, images, etc. the easier it is to gain mastery over your actions.

With that in mind, here’s a breathing experiment to try out. Whenever you have a desire to eat something that you know you don’t need to eat, stop and do the following:

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Food cravings can be dissolved using some easy techniques.

Food cravings can add on the pounds – if you act on them. That ‘if’ is a big part of the equation. No harm done by just having the cravings. Here are five ways you can release them quickly when a particular food starts to talk to you.

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