Your food cravings can help you.

Often people eat when they have food cravings. And that makes sense on the surface level. The problem is, that you then miss the message that the food cravings are giving you.When you have a craving to eat an unhealthy food, overeat, eat when you’re not hungry, or you find yourself in other situations when you eat for a reason besides nourishing the body – just consider it a message from within. If you were emotionally balanced, the craving would not come up. Read more

5 Tips For All Or Nothing Eaters

A common theme for weight loss folks is the ‘all or nothing eaters’ approach.  Either you tell yourself you’re not going to eat a certain food at all, or you fail at this and eat a lot of that forbidden food. Read more

There are easy ways to stop food cravings.

Food cravings can add on the pound – if you act on them. That ‘if’ is a big part of the equation. No harm done by just having them. Here are five ways you can release those pesky food cravings quickly when a particular food starts to talk to you. Read more

Sugar cravings affect glucose tolerance.

Many people who struggle with weight loss are addicted to sugar, which affects your glucose tolerance. Once you eat sugar, it sets up a craving for more. Read more

Why is it that unhealthy food tastes so good?

Do you eat too much because food  tastes so good ? It’s hard to eat a little and then stop because it’s pleasurable to eat. You will feel deprived if you give up food, and don’t see another way to give yourself a little reward. Read more

Weight loss can be blocked if you feel deprived of your favorite foods.

Is weight loss hard for you because you feel deprived when you have to give up your favorite foods? Does being slim really appeal to you, but your desire to reward yourself with food is stronger?  If you have this push-pull going on within yourself, here’s a script to tap on. Read more

Weight loss happens when these snacks lose appeal.

8 Weight Loss Tips for chronic snackers helps people who gain weight from snack grazing. Do you eat what’s out and available? Are you addicted to the 4 C’s: candy, cookies, cake, and ice cream? Or maybe salty snacks are your downfall? Because these foods are so addicting, once you start it’s hard to stop. If you tell yourself you won’t eat these foods anymore, then you end up having a war going on inside yourself. And the sugar/salt usually wins the battle and weight loss is the loser.

If this applies to you, here are some things you can do…

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Weight loss is hard when you love the taste of food.

Is weight loss hard for you because food just tastes good? It’s hard to eat a little and then stop because it’s pleasurable to eat. You will feel deprived if you give up food, and don’t see another way to give yourself a little reward.

If this applies to you, here’s a script to tap on. Read more

There are ways to counter the bad effects of sugar.

If sugar is your downfall, beware of all the holiday temptations! According to Mark Hyman, M.D., sugar paints a gloomy picture for health and weight control. Here’s what he had to say (in Natural Awakenings, August 2014)…

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How To Eat explains how to eat a healthy diet.

If you’re confused about the best way to eat, this book lays it out simple and clearly. It addresses all the traditional plus the latest diet trends and gives the pro’s and con’s for each. The book is written in question and answer format, making it very easy to read.

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