How to Manifest Your Dreams

We all have hopes and dreams that may or may not manifest in life. Some people seem to have great success in getting their dreams to come true, while for others dreams remain dreams. What’s the difference between one person and the next, and how can you make your dreams come true?

First of all, what exactly is manifestation? Simply put, it means bringing what you desire into being in the physical realm. This is largely done through beliefs plus actions that support those beliefs.

Here are some steps you can take to manifest what you want. It is often useful to start with a simple goal, understand how it works, and then apply it to something a little more difficult or complicated. Read more

Being heavy pays off.

If you keep trying to lose weight and failing, that’s because being heavy has payoffs. On the surface, this seems totally illogical. Of course you want to lose weight. It would be great.

But under the surface, there are hidden factors that come into play. Your unconscious reasons for wanting to keep on that extra weight come with benefits. At this level, your desire to keep on the extra pounds outweighs your desire to lose them. Read more

What triggers anxiety and how to release it.

Who doesn’t experience anxiety at least some of the time? Our modern lifestyle is not conducive to rest, relaxation, and balance. So we need to recognize what triggers anxiety in us and form habits to counter these triggers and keep us balanced.

Step One is to identify which triggers apply to you. Step Two is to plan what you will do when triggered. Then Step Three is to put Step Two into practice and develop anti-anxiety habits that work for you. Remember, without Step Three, your plan will stay in your head! It is important to start with one intervention on your list and practice that. Then add a second intervention, and so on. If you try to do too much all at once, you will be more likely to give up before you have a chance to succeed. Commend yourself for small steps of progress! Read more