6 Steps to Manifest Your Dreams

How to Manifest Your Dreams

We all have hopes and dreams that may or may not manifest in life. Some people seem to have great success in getting their dreams to come true, while for others dreams remain dreams. What’s the difference between one person and the next, and how can you make your dreams come true?

First of all, what exactly is manifestation? Simply put, it means bringing what you desire into being in the physical realm. This is largely done through beliefs plus actions that support those beliefs.

Here are some steps you can take to manifest what you want. It is often useful to start with a simple goal, understand how it works, and then apply it to something a little more difficult or complicated.

Step 1: Write down your goal

Be sure to keep your goals reasonable and realistic. If your current salary is $50,000 a year, expecting to make a million dollars in six months is unrealistic.

Using the guideline of a SMART goal can be helpful. Here’s how it works…

S: Keep the goal specific.  ‘Eating healthy’ is very general. Eating three servings of veggies a day is specific. Socializing more is very general. Having a meal or coffee/tea with someone once a week is specific.

M: Keep the goal measurable. ‘Making more money’ is not clearly measurable. But making $50 a week more than you currently make is measurable. Being slimmer is not clearly measurable, but losing two pounds a week is measurable.

A: Keep the goal achievable. This means that it is realistic for you. Traveling around the world for a month out of the year may be very unrealistic for you based on time off and income. Take a one-week trip every year might work better because it is doable.

R: Keep it relevant. This means that it fits in with your life and makes sense to do. Be sure that it’s what you really want.  If you are presently raising three children, it may not be relevant at this time to have a full-time job. Perhaps a part-time job working from home would be more relevant.

T: Keep the goal timely. That means that you have a date by which you want to achieve it. It will probably mean breaking the goal up into parts, and setting a time by which you want to achieve each part.


Step 2: Take one small step at a time

Using the concept of manifestation does not mean that you just imagine what you want to accomplish. We also need to take action! This is done step-by-step. First of all, it’s unrealistic to expect to get there all at once. So a break-down of steps helps us focus on the parts. Plus, you will feel more successful if you can accomplish small things, which eventually lead up to big progress.

Step 3: Visualize yourself already being there

This means we see or imagine ourselves having already achieved the goal. Now that you’re there, how do you act, look, think, and talk? What is your life like? What has changed? You can also journal this step. Describe your new life and how you feel having achieved your goal.

Step 4: Let go of limiting beliefs

Step 3 might be difficult if you have limiting beliefs that get in the way. When this happens, your ‘yes buts’ will keep you from making progress. You may not feel worthy of achieving the goal. You will find ways to unconsciously sabotage yourself. Part of you just won’t believe it’s possible. To get past the limiting beliefs, you will need to do something to reverse the process. One way is to write your self-talks down. Then write down a more positive self-talk. Keep repeating the new self-talk to yourself, and when the old self-talk comes up in your mind, immediately tell yourself the new self-talk.

You can also use self-hypnosis, EFT tapping, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), or any other method that might be effective for changing your mindset and the accompanying emotions. These techniques can be used on yourself, or done with a practitioner who can facilitate getting you past the old grooves in your mind.

Step 5: Practice gratitude

Where ever you are starting from, remember to practice gratitude for what you already have. If you only focus on what you don’t have, it can get discouraging. Plus, you will lose focus on what you really have to be thankful for. It’s better to focus on the proverbially glass half full than the glass half empty. Also focus on gratitude for what you are learning in the process.

Step 6: Write down signs of accomplishment

If your progress comes in small stages (and it most likely will), be sure to take note of any progress you are making. That will provide encouragement. A good way to do this is to keep a journal and write down all the changes you notice, however seemingly insignificant.

Getting Started

You might have several goals in mind. You can write them all down and then prioritize them in the order you’d like to tackle them. Put a number 1 in front of the one you choose to do first. Then number the rest. It’s best to start with just one because you might get overwhelmed if you do too much at once, and then the chances are high that you’ll quit. Also, with one goal your attention will stay focused on the task at hand.

For help getting started and overcoming obstacles that keep you procrastinating, please contact me for a free Zoom or phone chat.





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