Sugar is addictive and acts like a drug.

If you just can’t control sugar cravings and feel like you don’t have any will power, check out this experiment. You will realize that  you are caught in an addictive cycle, fueled by the food industry’s desire to get more market share at the expense of your health and well-being.

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Often people eat emotionally to protect themselves and then feel fat.

Do you eat large amounts of food when you’re not even hungry and then feel fat? Or maybe you eat just a little bit of extra food every day that you really don’t need, or even want? If so, you may be unconsciously driven by a need to protect yourself.

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Food cravings can be dissolved using some easy techniques.

Food cravings can add on the pounds – if you act on them. That ‘if’ is a big part of the equation. No harm done by just having the cravings. Here are five ways you can release them quickly when a particular food starts to talk to you.

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