Being heavy pays off.

If you keep trying to lose weight and failing, that’s because being heavy has payoffs. On the surface, this seems totally illogical. Of course you want to lose weight. It would be great.

But under the surface, there are hidden factors that come into play. Your unconscious reasons for wanting to keep on that extra weight come with benefits. At this level, your desire to keep on the extra pounds outweighs your desire to lose them.This is because of something called ‘secondary gain’ in the world of psychology, or ‘payoffs’ in the EFT tapping world. Payoffs are the hidden reasons that you stay stuck. An example would be a worker on disability for back pain. The pain just doesn’t seem to let up. Looking under the surface, this person really doesn’t want to go back to work. They won’t have to as long as they keep having the pain. So unconsciously, they keep the pain going.

What about payoffs for keeping on extra weight? There are a variety of reasons. Some of them are: I won’t feel safe if slim, I’ll feel too vulnerable if slim, my spouse will be concerned that I attract the opposite sex too much, more will be expected of me, I won’t be able to stay invisible, I’m afraid to go out on dates so I don’t really want to be attractive, people will be watching me and criticizing me if I lose weight and gain it back, I won’t have to face social fears, I don’t have the money for new clothes, and I’ll have to always watch what I eat and eat healthy foods. These are just a few, although they are common ones that I hear a lot. There are as many payoffs as there are minds to invent them!

Keeping these payoffs equates to not having to step out of your comfort zone. It may not feel good to be heavy, but at least it’s familiar. Your old identity stays intact, and no effort is needed to transform into something better. The unknown is too scary, so it’s best to just stay put.

As long as these payoffs outweigh the benefits of being slim, you will have a very hard time losing the weight and also keeping it off. Therefore the first step is not to focus on diets, food, exercise, etc. It is to identify your payoffs and release the need to have them. This can effectively be done with EFT tapping, hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and a variety of other tools. These techniques will first help you release the fear of change, as well as the fear of becoming aware of what you have been hiding. Once the fear is released, you will be ready to start stepping out of your comfort zone. Small baby steps repeated over and over lead to taking giant leaps forward.


#heavy body benefits  #heavy body payoffs  #weight loss frustration  #weight loss failure

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