Healthy ice cream satisfies your sweet tooth!

Here it is summertime, and healthy ice cream is just the perfect food! Who can resist ice cream! There’s a way you can have your cake and eat it too (or in this case, ice cream).

Here’s what you do. Read more

Food cravings can be dissolved using some easy techniques.

Food cravings can add on the pounds – if you act on them. That ‘if’ is a big part of the equation. No harm done by just having the cravings. Here are five ways you can release them quickly when a particular food starts to talk to you.

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Emotional eating triggers can be managed with these three easy interventions.

Do certain things totally set you off to eating exactly the way you don’t want to? What are your emotional eating  triggers that send you out of control, even with the best of intentions? Knowing what these triggers are can help you be prepared and forewarned! It may include anything from the following list, or there may be others you can think of…

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Here are 9 simple ways to plan ahead for healthy eating.

Are you ready to make the changes you need to make to be healthy and slim? If so, you will need to plan ahead for healthy eating. One big stumbling block to good change is not having the food on hand that you need when you’re hungry.

Here are some ways to make life easier on yourself as you pave the way for healthy eating…

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These salad ideas are quick and easy.

If you are trying to eat more veggies, summer is the season to go for it and salad ideas fit the season! There are all kinds of salads we can make. Here are some combo ideas…

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These two weight loss tips are easy enough for anyone to use.


Here are some weight loss tips you can use to lose those unwanted pounds, with very little effort. They are based on research findings…

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