Mint — 8 Benefits

Mint has many benefits, including weight loss.

Mint is a wonderful addition to our diet, especially in the hot weather, when it grows profusely. Here are eight ways it benefits our health.

1. Cooling

Mint is very cooling to the body. This is a plus in the hot weather. To cool down with mint, add some fresh washed leaves to: water, iced tea, chopped fine into green salads and fruit salads.

If I eat spicy hot food I have a severe reaction — nose running, eyes tearing, turning bright red. A couple of drops of therapeutic grade mint essential oil in water will help prevent or lessen this severe reaction. I have tried peppermint and spearmint, and both work well.

2. Digestive Aid

Peppermint soothes the stomach and gut. Take mint in tea form for the soothing effect, or take therapeutic grade peppermint essential oil in a capsule or a little water.

Sometimes indigestion occurs when food sits too long in the stomach before passing to the rest of the digestive tract. One study showed that taking peppermint essential oils with meals speeded up transit time, thereby reducing symptoms of indigestion.

3. Source of Nutrients, especially Vitamin A and antioxidants

Vitamin A helps with eye health and night vision. Mint’s antioxidants are found in a more plentiful supply  than in other herbs.

4. Can soothe irritable bowel syndrome

Mint in the form of essential oil is especially effective for reducing symptoms of irritable bowel, especially when combined with dietary changes and meds. The essential oil contains a compound called menthol, which helps improve symptoms by relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract.

5. Can improve brain functioning

Here the essential oil also proved more valuable than  fresh mint. One study found that smelling peppermint oil for five minutes prior to a test significantly improved memory functioning.

6. Helps relieve cold symptoms

While studies have shown that peppermint oil is not effective as a nasal decongestant, many people have given subjective reports that they had an easier time breathing after they took mint.

7. Aids Weight Loss

Mint aids in burning fat. The essential oil is invigorating, and can give someone more energy to move more and exercise. The tea is also a good digestive aid, and good digestion keeps the body functioning more effectively. This includes allowing the body to come to its natural, slim weight.

8. Can mask bad breath

Drinking peppermint tea and chewing on the fresh leaves both help to mask bad breath and kill bacteria in the mouth. Peppermint essential oil is also a highly effective antibacterial. Think mint when you eat fresh garlic and need to be around people afterwards!


You can’t go wrong having some mint tea, fresh leaves, and/or therapeutic grade essential oil on hand when one of the above situations comes into play. One caution if you grown your own — it’s best to grow it in pots or in a separate space in your garden. Mint is very invasive and can take over everything in sight.


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