Your Body Type Affects Weight Loss

Your body type affects weight loss.

Did you know that your body type affects weight loss — how easy or hard it is for you? Some people gain weight in the bat of an eyelash, while others can eat and eat and never gain a pound. This is not to say that body type (your constitution)  is the only factor, but it’s good to know what your body type is so you can adjust accordingly.

There are many different systems of body typing. One of them comes from the ancient science of longevity in India known as Ayurveda. In this system, there are three body types. Two of them have an easier time with being slim, but if you are predominant in the third body type it is harder to lose weight and you will need to work at it a bit more.

The three body types are: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Here’s a short summary of what each one is.


This type is predominant in the elements of air and space. The person tends to be thin and wiry, and has a lot of mental energy and creativity but exhausts more easily physically. Vatas have a fast metabolism and a very dry system. They are shorter or taller than the average, have small eyes and lips, crooked teeth, and get cold easily. They learn quickly, but also forget quickly. When stressed, they experience fear and anxiety. They tend to be restless and move a lot. Vatas are variable, as in appetite, energy, and digestion. They tend to be very sensitive, and can overreact to noise, lights, stimulants and other forms of overstimulation of the senses. They tend towards constipation, joint problems, weak digestion, and mental disorientation.

This type benefits from moist, warming foods with enough oil. They do best when they stay warm and have a regular routine. Vatas have a fast metabolism and often do not have to worry about gaining weight. However, if they eat too many unhealthy foods like sugar and chips (both of which also imbalance vata) they can gain weight. Usually the weight gain is around the midregion. Their slim wrists and fingers indicate their true constituion, even when they are overweight. It is relatively easy for them to lose the extra weight by eating a healthier diet.


This type is predominant in the elements of fire and water. Because of the fire in their system, they are often warm or too hot, and can be irritable. They have a medium, muscular build with the weight evenly distributed. They burn easily in the sun and often have moles and freckles. They tend to be fair-complexioned with blue eyes and blond or red hair. Pittas have a keen intellect and are good organizers, athletes, and teachers. They are prone to inflammation, skin rashes, and ulcers. When stressed, they get overly critical, angry, and impatient. Their hair can turn gray prematurely, or start to thin early.

Pittas do well with sweet, cooling, and bitter foods. The diet should be low in sour foods and hot foods like peppers and garlic and not too much salt,  oil or fat. Seafood and eggs should be eaten in moderation.


This type is predominant in the elements of fire and earth. Because of this, they can gain weight more easily. They are the people who say they look at a bowl of ice cream and gain weight. They are large-boned, get cold more easily, and have difficulty moving their bodies enough.  This type can be lethargic and sleep too much. They learn more slowly but also retain what they learn for a long time. Kaphas have large eyes and lustrous skin and hair. They tend to have strong constitutions and good endurance. They are stable, loyal, and grounded. They are prone to excess mucous as well as excess weight. This can lead to problems like sinusitis, fibroids, and obesity. When stressed, they go into couch potato mode.

Kaphas do well with a light, dry diet. They do well with spicy and bitter foods. They should avoid dairy, fried foods, and too much fat. Sugar and wheat also cause them easy weight gain. Light grains like millet are good for them, as are vegetables, especially leafy greens. They don’t need much protein, and should only have animal foods occasionally.

Where To Go With This Information

This is a very brief overview of the types, but it can still give you a sense of what your type is. Once you balance your type, you will naturally achieve your ideal weight. Then the trick is to keep eating and following a lifestyle that suits your constitution. It will be an ongoing task.

It’s possible to have a constitution made up of two types, or even of all three. You might just have the one type, and then it is easier to follow the guidelines for this one type. To truly know what type you are, you would need to get your pulse read by a vaidya, or Ayurvedic doctor. In the Indianapolis area, check out John Peterson, M.D.

Or, learn more from this excellent book: Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing, by  Dr. Vasant Lad.

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