How To Break Free from Repetitive Patterns: Flower Essences Part 2

Chestnut bud essence helps when you're stuck in repetitive patterns.

If you keep engaging in the same repetitive patterns over and over, it leads to lots of frustration and only serves to deepen the pattern. But it’s not always so easy to change.

One aid in the process is a flower essence called chestnut bud. If you’re not sure what flower essences are, please see my earlier post where I introduced them.

This essence is suitable for situations where you repeat the same pattern, without being able to totally understand why you engage in it. Your conscious mind is totally dedicated to not repeating this habit, but your unconscious mind keeps driving you to engage in the behavior over and over again.

Taking this essence will help you fully understand what you’re doing, and learn the life lesson that can be learned from the whole process. Then you will be able to just drop the habit and move on. The compulsive need to keep repeating the same mistake will go away once you totally get what you’re doing.

How would this apply to weight loss? It could apply to behaviors that you are repeating, or it could be the thought process that keeps repeating, or both. Here are some examples.

Repetitive Behaviors

Eating when you’re bored, frustrated, lonely, angry, or experiencing other emotions

Eating when you’re tired

Eating when you’re too hungry

Eating when you’re not hungry

Eating because there’s food around

Eating too much or poorly at celebrations, holidays, family gatherings

Eating more/the wrong foods as soon as you have lost a certain amount of weight

Eating poorly because you haven’t planned well

Eating a certain food you crave regularly

Eating because you feel the need to eat whatever you want

Eating out of fear of being hungry


Repetitive Thought Patterns

“I did it again.”

“I don’t care. I’ll start eating right tomorrow.”

“I’m ashamed of myself.”

“I’m so frustrated.”

“I feel guilty having eaten that.”

“I’ll never be able to lose all this weight.”

“It’s too hard to pay attention all the time.”

“I’m not going to eat (fill in the food).”

“Controlling my eating is the one thing I keep failing at.”

“I’ll feel deprived if I don’t eat what I want, when I want it.”


How To Proceed

First see if any of the above apply to you. You can also start your own list of things that you don’t see above. Mainly, be aware of what you want to target when you take Chestnut Bud.

Put 3-4 drops under the tongue 3-4 times a day. Keep doing this until you are satisfied with the results. It could take a few weeks or a few months. The changes happen gradually over time. It’s a good idea to keep a journal of what you notice. Look for small changes, which will add up to big results.

You can purchase your flower essence online, in health food stores, or from the Flower Essence Society (FES).


Schedule your free flower essence consultation.









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