I’m Too Lazy To Lose Weight

If you think you're too lazy to lose weight, think again.

If you think you’re too lazy to lose weight, think again. When people attribute weight gain to laziness, they are not understanding the underlying drivers. It may seem like laziness on the surface, but something else is really going on.Here are some of the factors which prevent you from losing weight. Until they are resolved, you will continue to sabotage yourself.

ACE Scores

ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. These are traumatic events that happen in childhood, that will affect you later in life until resolved. Present events will keep triggering these past memories. These events include: parents got divorced, parents fought a lot at home, a parent was an alcoholic or drug abuser, child was abused by a parent or other person, child’s emotional needs were neglected, and more. See how you score on the ACE Questionnaire.

Unreasonable Demands on Your Time

Are you one of those people who are trying to balance work, children, home responsibilities, self-care, responsibilities to your religious organization or other organizations, and some time to relax? With today’s modern lifestyle, it can be impossible to get all of these in on a given day. It takes good time management skills, plus realistic expectations to keep it all in balance. It’s important to leave some time for yourself each day. Some things may need to go by the wayside. Also think about delegating responsibility for some chores at home and maybe at work.

Present Stressors

All of the above can be stressors, since time pressure can create a lot of stress. Plus we have stress from our emotional responses to different situations. You may be stressed dealing with your spouse, children, parents, boss, a difficult neighbor, or taking care of a sick parent.

Financial stresses weight heavily on many people today. Keeping the bills paid, getting food on the table, buying needed meds, health expenses, children’s school expenses, house upkeep and more makes it challenging to let go and relax.

Poor Gut Microbiome

If you have been eating poorly, your gut health will need improvement. If there are more unfriendly bacteria in the gut than friendly ones, you will crave the foods that feed these bad bacteria. It will almost be an addiction to keep eating these foods. The draw to eat these foods will be so strong that you will be fighting yourself when you try to eat healthy.


What to do?

First, evaluate which of these factors is creating problems for you. If it’s ACE scores, you can work with a qualified hypnotist, EFT practitioner, therapist, or whomever you trust to help you. Once your ties to the past are released, you will feel calmer and happier and it will be so much easier to lose weight.

For time stressors, sit down and make a daily schedule for yourself. Get the help you need so you’re not doing it all. Leave some time to do the things you enjoy, so you are refreshed to do your duties.

For present stressors, you can also work with someone in a therapeutic setting, practice yoga, breathing, and meditation, sit down and talk it out with the person you are having a problem with, consider applying for a better job that gives you the money you need.

To improve your gut microbiome, eat some nutrient-dense foods each day. Start by fitting in a salad, cooked vegetable, piece of fresh fruit, or a few raw almonds. Prepare some meals at home, even if you just start with a few a week.

You will lose weight and feel so much better as you fine tune your plan and slowly change your lifestyle. Get started by signing up for help to figure out a plan for yourself at no charge.



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