What Is EFT Tapping?

Use Tapping to resolve what is bothering you.

Tapping is something many people have not heard of. Or if they have, they are hazy about what exactly it is. Tapping can be done with a professional, or you can tap on your own. There are many, many things we can tap on.First, let’s understand exactly what it is. It’s full name is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). It is made up of a group of different methods that help release traumas, unpleasant memories and emotions which are trapped in the body and mind. With this holding in the body and mind, we unconsciously limit ourselves from reaching our fullest potential, and from leading a happing and fulfilling life.

Tapping is sometimes called ‘acupuncture without needles’. We tap on acupuncture points close to the surface of the body. The effect is similar to using acupuncture needles, but it’s easy for the layman to do. Tapping has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in two minutes. It is a great stress buster and relaxation technique, even if you just tap the points without saying anything.

The foundation of EFT is the Discovery Statement: “The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” With this in mind, our goal is to rebalance the energy system, thereby releasing the negative emotion. As the energy system becomes balanced, we gain insights, feel lighter and more confident, and see possibilities that we never saw or imagined before. Tapping on one thing at a time, we begin to totally transform who we are. Or, if you just have one particular problem that you want to address, you can use it that way too.

Here are the basic steps to use when tapping:

  1. Identify the issue. Examples: fear of heights, weight gain, test anxiety.
  2. Give the issue a SUD level — Subjective Units of Distress. This is an assessment of how much it is presently bothering you, on a scale of 1-10.
  3. Do the set-up. Three times you will tap the side of your hand, stating the challenge and adding a positive statement. I.e., “Even though I have trouble sleeping through the night, I love and accept myself.”
  4. Tap the points, being very specific about what’s bothering you.
  5. Reevaluate your SUD level. If it went down, you are starting to release. If it went up, you are getting to a deeper level of the issue, usually to a deeper emotional level. If you stayed the same, you just haven’t moved much yet and need to keep at it.
  6. Continue with additional rounds, changing the wording as needed.
  7. Our goal is to tap the challenge to a 0 and keep it there. It may take a session, or several sessions. Sometimes people experience a ‘one minute miracle’ where the issue is resolved almost immediately.

Tapping can be used for a variety of concerns, including relationship challenges, health issues, pain, weight gain, stop smoking, anxiety, enhancing performance, reducing stress, taking tests, lack of confidence, fears, procrastination, and more.

The best way to understand EFT is to do a session. Once you work with a practitioner, you can then proceed to tap on your own.

Good books on the subject include:

  1. The EFT Manual, by Dawson Church
  2. The Tapping Solution, by Nick Ortner
  3. EFT for Meditation, by Charles and Carol Crenshaw
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