Meditation Aids Weight Loss

Meditation Aids Weight Loss

Most people look at food choices when they want to lose weight. Certainly food choices play a major role. But we can take it one step further.The food choices we make start in the mind. You might sabotage yourself when trying to lose weight by:

Eating when you feel empty

Eating when you feel stressed

Eating what others are eating so that you feel a part of the group

Eating when bored or lonely

Eating to avoid feeling the emotions that are starting to surface


All of these reasons involve the mind – your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and desires. You are acting from the conscious mind when part of you wants to eat heathy foods, but the deeper part has another agenda. This leads to a conflict. You act from your conscious desire to make healthy food choices, but that deeper part of you is stronger and is running the program.

The unconscious part of the mind is the part that holds the real reason you sabotage yourself. You may eat a whole bag of cookies when you feel empty, because you felt empty and unloved as a child and developed this habit. You may have never showed your emotions as a child for fear of the repercussions, and now you are unconsciously afraid when strong emotions start to surface.

It’s like having a problem with something you bought in a store. You can talk to a clerk and possibly get some results. Or, you can talk to the supervisor who has more power and therefore greater potential to help you.

The conscious mind is like the store clerk, and the unconscious mind is like the store supervisor. Why not go straight to the supervisor for quicker and more effective results?

Meditation is the process of going to the unconscious mind, the supervisor. When you practice meditation for a few minutes of meditation a day, some of the contents of the unconscious mind will start to surface and become conscious. If you do this every day then you will become more and more aware of what’s really driving you.

The process is a gradual one, but one that leads to lasting results. Once you understand the real underlying dynamic in the food choices you make, you will naturally start to make healthy food choices, drop unwanted pounds, and make peace with yourself.

First, learn how to meditate. Then observe the changes taking place in your body and mind. Remember to be patient with yourself. Working from the inside out is not a quick fix, but one that yields stable and permanent changes.

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